The production documents of the Dissolved Oxygen Probe, developed by TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Bioelectronic Systems Department were delivered to TÜBİTAK MAM within the scope of technology transfer. With this project contract, TÜBİTAK MAM will realize the mass production process of the dissolved oxygen probe. The device will be used to measure the amount of dissolved oxygen in wastewater plants and natural water sources, and can also be used for online monitoring of seafood production farms and other water sources. With the production of the Dissolved Oxygen Probe, our dependence on foreign countries in this field will come to an end.
DUHAN BETA Prototype Production Completed
BİLGEM UEKAE Bioelectronic Systems Laboratory carried out a successful study that lasted approximately 12 months for the detection of bioaerosols that pose a danger to human health in the air. Any laboratory work